

0 2,141 2021.01.14 05:43

성 경:2:13 

제 목:소원


Three deaconesses gathered to chat about this and that, which lead to the topic of donation. The three deacon focused around this topic as they asked themselves “How much donation would the best amount to offer when giving it to God?”  In response to the question, deacon Park first said, "That's simple. I draw a line on the ground first. And I throw all the money I have into the air. And the money that falls on the right side of the line is dedicated to God and the money that falls on the left side goes back to my pocket.”


After the other deacons heard this story, deacon Lee added, "Well, I don't think that's a good idea. The way I decide the offering is by drawing a circle on the ground. And I throw my money into the air. And the money that falls into the circle belongs to God and the money that falls outside the circle is considered mine.“  Deacon Kim sighed after hearing this story and said, “Everyone, listen to me. Your story sounds good, but I give everything I have to the Lord." Then the other two deacons, Lee and Park, opened their eyes roundly and raise their ears wide.


"Deacon Kim, stop joking around from the beginning of the year? How can you give everything you have to God! Stop making us laugh.” said the two other deacons sneering at deacon Kim. When Deacon Kim heard this she said, “Two deaconesses! You have to listen to my story clearly. I throw all the money I have toward God. And here's what I say. All the money thrown into God's sky is God's. Please accept all my money, and my materials! God is in heaven and we live on earth. All the money thrown into God's sky is God's. But I will keep the money that falls to the ground. Thank God.


As the new year began, I thought about the word 'wish' last week. The wish in the Bible does not mean that I carry through my plan, meaning, or belief toward God, but that it is a biblical wish to fulfill God's will by keeping God's wish within us. Let's read the verse Philippians 2:13 together.

 Hallelujah  God has a wish. However, in today's text, Philippians 2:13, it records God's desire in a different way of expression; in the end of the sentence, he wrote, “His good purpose."  And in the first half, he writes that His joyous will is a wish in the saints. What does this mean? The wish mentioned in the Bible, unlike the general concept of a wish, is "God's Joyful Will,” and that the wish is fulfilled through me and you, who are saints.


Then who will fulfill God's will, God's wish? Through whom? Let's read the Psalms 145:19 together.



Through whom will God fulfill his wish? He mentions those who fear him. The word “fear” comes from the Hebrew word of [yare’] meaning to fear or to be surprised. However, the word [yare’] is more than just a simple fear, but also fear of respect. To fear God is a life in which God is completely trusted, relied on, and obeyed while acknowledging God's absolute sovereignty in all areas. Because God is the master of the world and we are assured to believe in Him, we fear Him and obeys his words. Therefore, those who truly fear God do not think or speak of themselves as wise. Therefore, those who truly fear God are those who confess that no matter how excellent they plan with their wisdom, the success of the work depends on God, the master of history.


A characteristic of a person who fears God is to live a godly life with reverence. What does reverence mean, everyone? This is what the Bible says. Let's read the verse of James 1:27 together.  Hallelujah Those who fear God live a godly life, and the Bible's true reverence is one that live by protecting themselves, keeping them from being tinged by the world, and also taking care of widows and orphans in confusion.

Among the many people who have lived a godly life in the Bible, specifically Cornelius, who appears in the Acts of Apostles, is one of the most representative reverent. Let's all read the Acts of Apostle 10:1-2.



Cornelius is introduced as the man who fears God, and the one word that does not pass Cornelius is the word ‘fear.’ In addition, a true reverence is to protect yourself in good faith and not be tinged by the world, and to take care of widows and orphans during the chaos. Look at the Cornelius. What kind of man is he? Cornelius was the centurion of Rome. At that time, Rome was the ruler of the whole world, meaning the higher position. No one could stand up to the power of Rome. At that time, most of the Roman commanders were in the position of high ranking. But Cornelius wasn't. Cornelius was in the position of the high ranking, but was not high ranking itself. Let’s read the second verse of today's text once again.


Hallelujah. Cornelius was a man of God's fear. In today's text fearing God is spoken for praying regularly. Everyone, what do you think God’s wish is? God's wish is the practice of love. But the God's wish, the ‘practice of love’ is realized only through prayer. To pick out a reason for justifying our prayers, it is because God's love is practiced in our lives when we pray. If you look at Cornelius from a different angle, we can say, ‘Cornelius is a man of prayer.’  What kind of life will the person with a life of prayer live? The life of the person who pray is a life that saves. This is because God's wish is practiced in life through prayer. So, if you look at the life pattern of Cornelius in today's text, he always prayed and because he prayed, it saved the people. Cornelius, who always prayed, is written as not just saving people but, saving a lot of people.


Therefore if we always pray, saving people is it is the fruit of life. Then that means, the life without much saving, is a life without prayer or life without constant praying. Cornelius always prayed. Pray, and you will know what God's wish is. And it does not end by simply knowing. As we pray we tend to realize and see the many people here and there to save. Everyone, when we pray, we see a difficult person. Pray and you'll see a sick man. Pray and you’ll see a corrupt man. Pray and you’ll see a person suffering from sin. And you will save the man whom God has shown you.


Yes, my beloved saints, pray. Pray a lot. Always pray. If we pray, we realize what God's wish is, know God's heart, see the one we must save, and thus the person we must pray for comes through the heart of God within us. And you will practice God's love to them. Hallelujah. There was a pastor who was serving in Australia. While serving as a youth ministry in Australia, the pastor learned of God's wish to mission in China. But there was not a single penny in pastor’s pocket. But God still told him to go to China. Although even a plane ticket is needed to go to Chinese mission.


Surely God's wish was to go to the Chinese mission work, but in the pastor’s eyes nothing was being progressed. Then one day, he got a call from a deacon. The deacon asked the pastor, “Pastor, have you got your plane ticket?” The pastor answered “Not yet." The deacon asked again, “Pastor, how much does the plane ticket cost?” “It costs about 400 dollars to go to China via Korea.”said the pastor At that moment, the deaconess clicked off the phone. Pastor thought to himself, why did he hang up all of a sudden? Soon, he got a call from the deacon again. As the deacon called the minister again, he shouted loudly, “Pastor, how can this happen?”


Without knowing what has happened, the pastor kept saying "Yes, yes, yes!" Then, while breathing hard, the deacon confessed this testimony. “Pastor, you know what? Something happened a few days ago while I was passing by the village.” “What happened? All of a sudden, money was blown down by the wind from the sky. Money has fallen from the sky as if it were snowing. But the neighborhood houses have only one floor. If there were houses built on second floor or third floor, or even an apartment or a building, I would have understood, but there was only houses made with yard and front door.”


But the money fell from the sky much higher than the house. It was 50 dollars in total. And when he picked up all the money, it was 400 dollars. If there was someone next to him, he said he would have shared the money, but him being all alone picked up all the money that fell from the sky.

Then he thought to himself ‘What should I do with the money? Should I go to the police station? Or should I donate it to the church?’ At that moment of concern, he called the pastor because he thought of him. Hallelujah. The deacon was still unable to understand. How can money fall from the sky. Then the pastor said, “Deacon, do you not understand! My voices of Amen is only getting louder. You are asking why? There are many events greater than that, but what's the big deal about the money falling from the sky? “


The deacon was astonished. Yes, it's Amen. Of course, Amen. “Look at me. In the middle of the desert, where the temperature rises and falls by 50 degrees in broad daylight, manna fell from the sky not just one day, but every morning for as long as 40 years. But this is one event where dollar fell from the sky, can you still not believe it?” “Look deacon, in the middle of the sun-drawn desert did only manna fall from the sky? How can a quail live in the desert? It's natural for quails to live in a forest, a river, a grassy forest, but in the middle of the desert, a bunch of quails came and fell from the sky. It's written in the Bible. Hallelujah.


“Can that be all? How much dollar fell from heaven? 400 dollars.” Then the deacon said, “ The reason I hung up the phone was because I was surprised to hear that you pastor needed exactly $400 for the plane ticket. Please don't feel bad about hanging up. Hallelujah.” Yes, my dear saints, God has made God's wish come true for the mission of China, and has fulfilled God's will for the sake of the mission of China. God made the Chinese missionary wish of plane tickets within the deacon and allowed him receive money from the sky. God has a wish. But surprisingly, how does the wish come true? The wish is made through those who fear God.


Dear Saints! Whose wish is in you? Whose wish is that you have? It is the wish of God's father. It is God's wish for us to plan and live a kind life as we pray for it and save others as well. Hallelujah. Jesus always had God's wish in his heart. And he always prayed and prayed for God's wish to come true. The night before Jesus was crucified, He climbed the hill of Gethsemane with his disciples. And he prayed like this. Let's read Matthew 26:36-45 together.


Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” 40 Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter.

“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

He went away a second time and prayed, “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.” When he came back, he again found them sleeping, because their eyes were heavy. So he left them and went away once more and prayed the third time, saying the same thing.

Then he returned to the disciples and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? Look, the hour has come, and the Son of Man is delivered into the hands of sinners.




Jesus knew God's wish. The reason Jesus came to this land, is to fulfill God's wish. Look at verse 39.

 Hallelujah     If you look at the second half, he said, "Yet not as I will, but as you will.” Jesus prayed for God’s wish to be fulfilled, not his own wish. And then in the second prayer he mentioned it more specifically to be done according to God’s wish. Let's read verse 42 again together.



It was God's wish as the father for Jesus to pray for in the garden of Gethsemane until his beads of sweat turned into beads of blood. He wanted it to be done as God’s wish. And In verse 44-45 the the conclusion of the prayer is recorded. Let's read it together.


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