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Bible: Proverbs 16:16 May 30, 2021

Title: Myeongcheol(insight) Sunday Morning Worship


Proverbs 10:13 Wisdom is found on the lips of the discerning,

but a rod is for the back of one who has no sense.



The Max Planck Institute of Education in Berlin, Germany, has studied the connection between age and wisdom in 1,000 people over five years. Through long research, the institute has revealed some commonalities of wise people as follows.


Most wise people have overcome adversity or experienced it. Those who grew up in poor conditions and experienced the dark side of life early were much wiser than those who lived a flat life. Also open and creative people gradually shine wisdom as they get older.


The institute announced that people who think deeply about life's problems gain wisdom. But warns that as stubborn and cranky people get older, they lose wisdom and credibility. Each person has his or her thoughts and intentions in his or her mind. But you can't tell from the outside.


That's why there is an old saying, "You can sound water ten miles fathoms deep, but you cannot sound the human heart a single fathom." But a wise man is wise, understanding, sensible, and insightful. Therefore, you can read their minds through their conversations with people, know their thoughts and intentions, and grow yourself through them.


Hallelujah Amen


One of the words repeatedly recorded in the Psalms of the Bible is the word "wisdom“ And there is a word that always accompanies wisdom, which is the word "Insight." This is what was written in the Bible Proverbs 16:16, which I thought about last week. Let's read it all together.


Proverbs 16:16 How much better to get wisdom than gold,    to get insight rather than silver!


Hallelujah Amen


"Getting insight is better than getting silver." And "Getting wisdom is better than getting gold." If you compare wisdom with insight, does it mean that wisdom is better than insight? Why? He who gains wisdom said he is better than gold, and he who gains insight said he is better than silver.

Judging from the value of gold and silver, you may think that gold is better than silver, but today's text compared gold and silver to explain the organic relationship between wisdom and insight rather than the meaning that gold is more valuable than silver. Wisdom and insight have a deep organic relationship.


What do you mean? Last week, we explained that "to fear Jehovah is the foundation of wisdom," and that Paul, the apostle who explained "wisdom" from a new perspective, Jesus Christ, God's secret, the treasure that had been undercover, and our savior. Wisdom refers to Jesus Christ, who came to this world in time after God had been undercover for many years, and who came to this earth as a body.


And John said that believing in Jesus, the foundation of wisdom that we saw and touched this wise Jesus Christ, and that there is a relationship in him, which fills us with joy, is the purpose of life more precious than anything else in the world.

If you look carefully at today's text, "Wisdom is found on the lips of the discerning.." I would like to think about the topic of last week's sermon, "Insight" which has an organic relationship with wisdom, focusing on today's text.To you who came before the Lord this morning, While the life of insight breathing in wisdom is on your path, I pray for the name of the Lord to bless your life like a path to be as if flowers have been sprinkled.


Insight uses the expression intelligent and reasonable in the language dictionary. And in English translation, it is used to mean wise, intelligent, sagacious. And in some places, the word insight is translated as understanding.


The Hebrew word of the insight is the Bina[ ], and it starts with the etymology of Bin. Bin[ ] means intellectually, "separate," "understand," "discriminate," and "recognize."


But in the Bible, we use these phrases to explain Myeongcheol(insight). First, let's read Job 28:28 together.


Job 28:28 And he said to the human race,“The fear of the Lordthat is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.”



Insight's etymology is said to mean "separate," "understand," " discern," and "recognize." But today's text says that leaving evil is understanding. It's a phrase that doesn't miss the etymology.


To leave evil, you must have a clear reference point for good and evil. What is good and what is evil. Generally, the reference point for good and evil is established under moral standards or ethical standards, traditional standards of the age, or the customs of the world, modern legal systems. By the way, the standards for good and evil in today's Bible may differ from those of ethics, morality, or traditions or times, customs in the world, and modern legal systems.


The apostles of the First Church, who have observed the Sabbath in the Old Testament, cherish the day of Jesus' resurrection and call it the day of the Lord and worship it every week. The week was designated as the day of worship for God, and everyone came to worship.


Christianity was proclaimed as the state religion of Rome around 300 AD, when Constantine ruled. And a lot of Christian leaders were wondering how to worship God well, and they came to legislate the week based on the Bible. So they decided to worship on the day of the week without working.

Today's saints have no hesitation in claiming that the week is a day of worship, Lord's Day, and rest, following the early Roman tradition based on the Bible. But what day is it for modern ordinary people? The week is Sunday for modern ordinary people. Sunday is a day of rest, a day of traveling with family, and so on, but there is no difference at all.


Even among the saints, there is a pity that those who are not clear can't worship on Sunday because they think and recognize the concept of Sunday as the concept of Lord's Day. Sunday is the standard of the world. It's actually Sunday, but it's Lord's day, and I take a rest once a week because of God.


Therefore, the Sunday is the day of worship to God. Sunday refer to those who have the values of rest in the Lord, and if you apply them to today's text, they are very clear.


Let's think more deeply about the concept of a Sunday Sabbath. In Genesis 1:1, he said, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.'' The word creation is the word Bara[ ]. The word bara is the word used by the mother to give birth to a baby. When a mother gives birth to a baby, she risks her life to give birth.


Recently, when giving birth, obstetrics and gynecology have good facilities, so it is not difficult to give birth. Still, it's not easy to give birth. And if it's hard to have affection, they do a cesarean section. But just a few decades ago, when the mother enters the room to give birth to a baby, she hugs her rubber shoes that she took off on that stone. She wonders if she could come back to life and put it on her body again.


Childbirth is hard and life-threatening. The word "Bara[ ]" is used in this sense. God used the word "Bara[ ]" as a metaphor for the labor of giving birth to a baby and the labor of giving birth at the risk of his life while creating it day by day.


So after six days of creation, how tough it must be. God must have been exhausted. That's why he needed rest. Genesis 2:1, verse 3. Let's read it all together.


1.Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.

2.By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.

3.Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.


Hallelujah Amen


He devoted himself to six days, created like childbirth, and rested on the seventh day. But did God really rest because he was tired? Is it true? Did God rest because he was tired of creating heaven and all things? Let's read Isaiah 40:28 together.


28.Do you not know?

Have you not heard?

The Lord is the everlasting God,

the Creator of the ends of the earth.

He will not grow tired or weary,

and his understanding no one can fathom.


Hallelujah Amen

God created heaven and earth and he did not rest because of the tiredness. Then we have to think about it. One reason why God rested after creating heaven and all things.


But if you look at the third verse, it says God blessed the seventh day and made it holy. That's why it's a blessed day. How did he bless it? it said that he made it holy. The word "holy" means "separation" and it means it has been distinguished.


Why is the Sabbath a blessed day, everyone? Because God sanctifies his people. For God is to sanctify his people for the holiness of his people. God distinguished the Sabbath from other days. Blessings of distinguished people, chosen people. To keep the Sabbath well, to keep the week well, is to be blessed by God.


If you look into the deep valley of the Sabbath, the week, you find one surprising fact: ˝The concept of rest.'' What do you mean? God created a Sabbath for God's people. Russia is originally a Christian country. However, Max Leerin's Communist Party is planning to revolutionize and remove the concept of the Sabbath after taking power. So they only allowed their people to rest twice a month to abolish his weekly worship. They only take day off on the 15th and 30th of every month. But it's gone crazy. Russians who worship every week could only rest twice a month and worship twice, causing enormous side effects and repercussions.


Numbers of injured people have appeared in their workplace, and psychologically very deficient phenomena appear throughout society. People became very sharp. Distrust prevailed. The Communist Party of Russia said oh no, We can't do this. So They upgraded it to resting three times a month. However, the side effects arising did not decrease. The number of injured patients also did not fall after increasing. Moreover, industrial accidents continued in industrial sites.


Everyone, Max Leerin's Communist Party eventually raised its hand. Hallelujah. Everyone, Sabbath is what God established. It's a rest made by God. It is the day God distinguished. Everyone, who made our bodies? It's God. God made us rest and rest once a week when we made our bodies. This is called biorhythm in medical terms. That's how God created it. Hallelujah.


One who works for profit on Sunday, is a very foolish man. Those who enjoy entertainment on Sunday are not very understanding(Myeongcheol). Hallelujah. What is insight(Myeongcheol)? Insight is to understand the word of God correctly and to recognize it."Hallelujah"


Let’s read Job 28:28 again.


Job 28:28 And he said to the human race,“The fear of the Lordthat is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.”

Hallelujah Amen said that the wise will leave evil, and the standard of sin of evil is well stated in the Bible. It is how blessed he is to understand and realize God's Word and to live according to it. So the Psalm reporter writes in Psalm 119:104. Let's read together.


Psalm 119:104 I gain understanding from your precepts;

therefore I hate every wrong path.


Hallelujah Amen


How did the poet say he would gain understanding? ˝It is said that the wise will leave evil, because “I gain understanding from your precepts“ The laws of the Lord. It means the word of God. It is said that he became wise because of the word of God.


Before you realize the word of God, you sin without knowing that it is a sin. Even though they are full of sin, they live under the illusion that they are holy people. They don't even know what God is happy about. They don't know how to live in this land as a people of heaven.


However, as soon as I read, hear, and realize the word of God, I understand God's providence toward me. You realize the mysterious providence of God who created this world. Hallelujah. Here is one purpose that the saints must pursue in their lives on earth. Let's read it all together. Proverbs 9:10.


Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,

and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Hallelujah Amen. After all, what is insight(Myeongcheol)? He who holy him, who says that knowing God is understanding(Myeongcheol). The Prophet Hosea shines a ray of hope in front of the people of Israel who have committed crimes. The curse and judgment were before them, but the only hope is that all of us, Let's read it all together. Hosea 6:3.


3. Let us acknowledge the Lord;

let us press on to acknowledge him.

As surely as the sun rises,

he will appear;

he will come to us like the winter rains,

like the spring rains that water the earth.”



Hallelujah Amen Insight(Myeongcheol) is to get to know God. The conviction of getting to know God is getting full. The knowledge and experience of God 10 years ago are doubled, expanded, and filled with information.

Let's read Proverbs 3:19 together.


Proverbs 3:19 By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations,

by understanding he set the heavens in place;


˝Hallelujah Amen “ by understanding he set the heavens in place'' What does that mean? Understanding(Myeongcheol) refers to the wisdom of getting to know God. What Jesus is and what he woke up to is firmly rooted in faith.


If you think of God from the perspective of the covenant of revelation, no misunderstanding can occur. ˝By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations ˝God instills the seed, the word of God, in the spirit of the people of heaven, who are determined to be saved.


And it grows that belief. Furthermore, he takes deep root in faith in the foundation of the faith and deepens God through the Word so that the ground can be hardened. He even becomes full of knowledge of God. Therefore, it is enough to enter the kingdom of God. Hallelujah.

Dear Saints! God gives us enough knowledge and character of faith for me and you to enter the kingdom of God. He fills our souls and provides us with a basis for praising God forever. He gives grace to our souls. He accompanies us every moment of our lives.


The reason why many problems and conflicts arise on our way to life is due to inexperience. If you have dry personality, you have to be immature, and if you are immature, you get angry easily. Also, there are ups and downs of emotions. Furthermore, if you are immature, you speak too lightly and make decisions in a hurry.


When our lives are immature, they are biased like fluctuating waves. Also, if you are immature, you get hurt easily by people's words and misunderstand easily. Instead of seeing your whole life, you're focusing on what's going on right in front of course. However, as our lives mature, the timing of our language, behavior, and life changes.


When our lives mature and grow, we deeply possess character. There is a lack of language, consideration, and waiting. Draw a big mountain, a step farther than solving a problem in front of you. Instead of putting pressure on anyone, we teach them together with kindness and full culture.


He who has met once but wants to meet again, who is always blue like a deep river, and who has the wisdom and master iron of heaven. God establishes me and you as wise men.


He grows into a blessed people who adore God forever and seek his kingdom and his righteousness with deep spiritual knowledge of God's wishes. Insight(Myeongcheol) approaches us by revelation in the word of God. Therefore, I want to always appeal to God's word and live a life of obedience according to it. Eventually, he will guide us to reach his kingdom abundantly. ˝by understanding he set the heavens in place"


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