
Rebekah’s prayer

There were two brothers. One of the two brothers, the older one keep the business from dad and younger brother got the same amount of money as heritage but the older one take the money of younger brother and start the business alone. Younger brother was extremely mad to his older brother who took all of his money.


Older brother started business by taking the money of brother and expected to be successful but rather the business falls down. Eventually the brother failed the business and got a lot of loans and suddenly he got diesease and stayed at the hospital.

The younger brother who heard the news about the older brother’s business failure visted his brother in the hospital. He was extremly mad about his older brother who took all of his money but while watching him laying down on the hospital he felt sorry so he carried him to a good hospital with high technology and took care of him well. Not only that he paid all of the cure money and take care of the whole family’s life.


And the older brother who are in big dept, younger brother rebuild his part of the business. We should think again from here. He forgive his brother who took his part of money and even come to almost to death, how could he forgive that brother? Not only he care about his brother but also rebuild the business which fell down. For the younger brother, the older brother is brother in blood but it would be evil than strangers or even more than enemy.


Bible is praying is life and worship is life. It is a blessed chirstian’s life with good scented who are living life with habit of them.


Today I want us to think about praying which reflects the life of Rebekah along wiith today’s verses. The source of the chirstian’s life starts from the pray. Of course the source of the pray comes from the grace of God.


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