
Prayer of Slave

According to one research report, humourous people have less percentage to get sick than people who are not. The result of the survey to the one department store was the favorite senior number 1 was the “humorous and humane.” Also the reason that child likes sitcom than news program is because they have a lot of fun people.

The reason that people like celebrity than politician is because politician have stiff expression but celebrities are always smiling. Proverb 15:15 says “All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast.” Humour brings relationship among people make soft and sometimes gives opportunity to forgive errors. One pastor made big mistakes in the middle of sermon. “Everyone Nicodemus who are living in Jericho is a tax collector and very short. He didn’t have any friend. Therefore, he really want to see the Jesus who visited Jericho.

The believers who were listening the pastor’s sermon was suddenly talking. But the pastor said inside “wow!~” He misunderstood that today’s sermon had big grace and giving sermons even more louder. “Everyone~~~ Jesus came to the neighborhood that Nicodemus lived. Nicodemus ran into the Jericho street because he wanted to see the Jesus very very much. But Nichodemus couldn’t see the Jesus because he was short so he climed up the tree.”


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