
Good words that build up virtue

One of the marketing specialists in the world “Joe Vitale” is helping by consulting many people and corporations how to live happy and run business well and how to be rich. He introduces detailed about how he bagan to have interest in sharing life since he published a book “share, world that live together” based on his experience.


Joe Vitale’s wife left the world enduring cancer for long time and he raised two babies and he went to part-time work to resolve the serious depts. He left only $4 on his hand and he became to see the wife and husband in the 30s and children on the grass on his way to buy milk and bread to eat.


In front of the husband and wife and children who are sitting on the grass field was sign with “I have anything to eat.” and begged. They felt so sorry to see the shape of the husband and wife and children who are sitting without power in the corner of the park. Maybe he think that there must be special reasons that the young wife and husband are sitting on the street. His empathy was reached extremely whatever he was exposed to serious disease.


And he cut the $2 which is the half of $4 and shared with the husband and wife and the children. But he experienced very surprising thing. He should feel extremly anxious if he gave half of the $4 which is $2, he was not. Rather after he gave the half of the money, he felt that kind of mood to litterally be gotten rid of.



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