
Luke 11: 2-3 Oct

0 2,073 2020.12.24 05:39

Bible verse: Luke 11: 2-3 Oct. 25 2020

Title: Luke Explication Sunday Morning Service

Henry Ford, the former auto king of U.S., was a very religious man. One day, Henry Ford had a chance to visit Dublin, the capital of Ireland. There, he visited a small orphanage in that area. Looking around the orphanage, he hoped the children would grow up well even in the poor environment and become a good person.


And in order to achieve his hope, he promised to build an auditorium in an orphanage. The car king Henry Ford has pledged to donate 2,000 pounds to build a new auditorium. The next day, the local daily newspaper ran an article about this. "Promising a donation of 20,000 pound to the Orphanage by the Car King Henry Ford."


The director of the orphanage who read this newspaper called Henry Ford and tells him, “Oh my! I'm sorry, Chairman! This morning, there has been a mistake in the newspaper article. It was supposed to say a donation of 2,000 pounds but it was miswritten by 20,000 pounds. What should I do?”


At that moment when Henry Ford heard this, without a second's hesitation, he said, "Yes, if it is God's will, what would you do? You have to obey. I'll donate another 18,000 pounds, not 2,000 pounds, but 20,000 pounds.”


And when the auditorium is newly built, I ask you to engrave a phrase like this. It mentions: "an auditorium built in the will of God." Henry Ford himself said he would donate 2,000 pounds, but God wanted a donation of 20,000 pounds. And in the end, the auditorium was built by God's will, by leading him to donate 20,000 pounds he wanted. Hallelujah!

One of the prayer titles that challenge religious believers is "What is God's will?" or "Is this God's will?" Believers say in their prays, ‘let God’s will be my will,’ and ‘let God’s will come true.’


It is a prayer Jesus taught his disciples, and today the text reads, 'Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread.’ No matter how hard you look, you will not be able to find the wordings of ‘let God's will be fulfilled.’


However, Matthew's gospels contain this in great detail. Let's read Matthew 6:9-11 together.



In the Gospel written through Matthew, it records, “your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” And although it is not recorded in the Gospel of Luke, it is still accounted as the main prayer used in the church today, by saying, “your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”




This is because when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, He taught them this important part: “your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”


In Matthew 26:44, Jesus prayed up to three times under the same title of prayer in the Garden of Getsemane. Let’s read it all together.



The title of Jesus' three prayers containing the same content, before being arrested by the Roman soldiers, is “May your will be done.”


This is the title of the prayer that matches the title of today's weekly prayer book' Then it is important to recognize that the title of the prayer Jesus taught his disciples, “your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” is a must-do prayer.


When believers of Jesus pray, they must pray for God's will. The apostle Paul wrote in a letter to the church of Ephesus. It is in the text Ephesians 5:17.



Before the title of the prayer, "understand what the Lord’s will is," it is more important to emphasize the words that come before it. It mentions, "do not be foolish." We use the word "fool" as the English expression "fool," but we also use "empty" as the same definition.


Then the title of prayer that the Lord has taught us, "your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven," is the beautiful life of a wise saint who lives like a fool and does not live without any thoughts.


Before the mentioning of not to being a fool, This is what Paul says in verse 15 of his letter to the church of Ephesus.



The life of understanding what the Lord's will is would be the life of a wise man who stands on the opposite of the foolish man of verse 17. Then, “What is God's will and how can we distinguish it?" Would be an important prayer for the saints. Hallelujah.


An old man who enjoyed drinking, one day attended the church by the conduction of the preacher. The church members, who were attending the church diligently, listened to the words and became eager to pray. And at that moment of prayer, the Holy Spirit strongly came on them enabling to speak in dialect and receive healing.


Then one day, the old man was standing awkwardly, sticking out an envelope that he had written as the “Letter of Resignation” to the pastor. The Pastor, who received the letter says, “What is this?” “Is this a letter of resignation? Are you moving?” The old man answered, Pastor! No~ Other people listen to God's words and pray, and the Holy Spirit is full of them, so they speak in dialect and heal their illness, but I guess I have no hope. So I've been thinking a lot about it. But I had a dream last night. They didn't give me the Holy Spirit that I’ve been wanting, but instead they gave me a blank sheet.


So my conclusion is, no matter how much trust, I'll return to a blank sheet of paper. So I thought that I would not go to church anymore, so I brought a letter of resignation.

Then the pastor said, "Yes! I see. However, the blank sheet in your dream doesn't mean that no matter how well you believe in, you will just go back to the blank sheet. The blank sheet means that if you want to be filled with the Holy Spirit, you cannot allow even a small sin, similar to the blank sheet of paper, to block the wall. Now would there be anything that comes to your mind?Then you must quickly turn back, repent, and solve it.”


Then the old man replies, “Oh, my God, Pastor, my daughter-in-law and I haven't said anything for the last 10 years. My daughter-in-law is so picky, she is a thorn in my eyes. I feel more comfortable not talking to her at all, so I've been building a wall for the past 10 years." "But God knows about it, which is why he showed me a blank sheet!” He then went to apologize to his daughter-in-law. Hallelujah.


Ladies and gentlemen! The old man apologized to his daughter-in-law first. Then the daughter-in-law made up her mind by saying, "I'm sorry, Father, I'm sorry," as she shed tears like chicken poop. Through this incidence the daughter-in-law also came to believe in Jesus, and the old man received the fullness of the Holy Spirit as well. Hallelujah.


Let’s look at the words of Ephesus 5:18.




It is never easy for a man to fully understand God's will. Even the Bible records like this in Romans 8:26-27.



It is limited for a man to know God's will. So there are times when we are in a situation where we don't even know what to pray for. When we pray, we pray by the judgment of our thoughts and reason rather than by seeking God's will.


At that time, it mentions that the Holy Spirit would pray for us with unutterable sighs. Hallelujah, the reason why we should be filled with the Holy Spirit is because we do not know what God's will is or what makes God happy, while the Holy Spirit knows what each believer needs and what to pray for.


Let's read Romans 8:28 together.



Take a closer look at the text. In the prayer Jesus taught his disciples to pray, it mentions, "your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."


But what’s truly amazing and surprising is that when believers pray, sometimes they don't know what God's will is or they are unable to pray in that certain way, the Holy Spirit guides them to ask for God's will, with unutterable sighs. Hallelujah.


Why? For the believers are those who are called according to God's will. When looking at the words specifically, it can be explained as “to put in front forever” or “put in front.” What does this mean? Let’s read Romans 8:30 together.



He defines the believers he has called as "predestined" in verse 30. And they were called 'justified'. Being righteous means being a person of faith.


Everyone, look. Here's an amazing salvation. God has chosen me and you who are believers according to his will. But it is God's will that he has chosen. God has called on you and I who have pre-arranged to save us, to make us live forever in God's presence.


Moreover, he called the pre-arranged ones and made them righteous and glorious. The word “glorious" as a specific noun can also mean 'glorious' 'full of glory' 'gave honor' and 'praise'.


Jesus visited the house of the dead Lazarus and said this before saving him. Let’s read John 11:4 and 40 together.





Dear saints, in the prayer Jesus taught his disciples, the deep meaning of the prayer, "your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" is to ultimately "glorify" or “to make glorious” you and I, and the people of God with eternal life.


What is God's will toward us? It is the eternal life of the saints. It is a matter of living and praising together forever with the Holy Trinity God in the eternal kingdom.



The Holy Spirit, is praying for the us with sighs every time for this day. Even if the saints cannot pray according to God's will, the Holy Spirit is still seeking with sighing by God's will. Not just that. Our Jesus is also personally seeking at the side of God’s


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