
Topic: An Excellent Standing and Great Assurance

In 1885, the first missionary Horace Newton Allen came to Joseon(the old name of Korea between 15th to 18th century). As a medical missionary, he came to Joseon and established the first modern hospital of Joseon, Yonsei Severance Hospital which had been called Gwanghyewon back then. Missionary Allen established Gwanghyewon and treated patients which led Joseon Royal Family to trust him. Based on that support, Missionary Henry Gerthard Appenzeller was able to come to Joseon as well and institute Baejae Hakdang, the first secondary school in Korea.

Gospel was spread in all around in Joseon after missionaries came to Joseon to establish hospitals and schools. However, there were many difficulties in spreading God’s words since Joseon was used to Confucianism and quite a big number of people believed in Budda, superstition, shamanism and so on, not to mention worshiping idols.


Despite the difficulties, with the grace of God, the gospel was passed on to more people and there was revival in churches. With those revival, there was a need for baptizing the saints and having people who can be faithful to their duties. Nonetheless, churches back in Joseon were very cautious with those needs. The eligibility for baptism was very demanding. If you want to be baptized today, it is required for you a 6 months attendance to get faith training. After 6 months of the faith training, the person can be baptized. People who are baptized are obligated to read the entire Bible once, and tithe, do a thanks offering, and remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.




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