
출 34:1-7 Merciful God

One housewoman visited a market to prepare some delicious dineer by thinking her loving family. She bought vegetables here and there and bought meat and fruit. And she passed by a fish store, there were many kinds of fish. The housewife looked here and there to purchase the fresh fish as possible. Because the fish that she looked seem like less fresher.



The fish gill would be reddish orange color if it is fresh. And finally she smelled and sniff the fish by putting her nose fish. The owner of the fish store who looked the moment was very angry. Already it’s been ten more minutes since she rolled and touched the fish without purchasing which would make the fish less fresher. And she yelled like this. No~~!! Hey, if you touch the fish like that, the fish would be annihilated. Are you going to keep touching like that~~ Stop touch if you are not going to buy~~! Uh~ And also why are you putting your nose to the fish like that ~ Uh I feel so bad. I cannot sell fish. ~



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