
The true friend Jesus Christ

0 2,793 2017.05.15 17:31

Bible: John 15:13-17 FEB 19 2017 Sunday afternoon service

Title: The true friend Jesus Christ

13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

14You are my friends if you do what I command.

15I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

16You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit--fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.

17This is my command: Love each other.


There were two close friends who studied drawing. Two friends were so poor, that they didn’t even have a money to study together. So they decided one to study and one to earn money for him.

One started studying. The one who started studying could finish his study with help of friend. And finally finishes studying of drawing. He became famous, and his pictures started to sell out.

When the first picture was sold, he was so happy, so he went to his friend with money who supported him. And he told his friend, that he would help now. Means let’s change the rule.

But what is this? The friend who supported joyfully tried to entrance the school, but his symptoms came out. He worked so hard, that his fingers are no longer able to draw.

But the friend hides this to the friend. And pretends if he goes to school. Suddenly, the one graduated has come out with curiosity. He wanted to know who his friend studies. But what is this? The friend who should have studied is does not show up.

The friend who studied first looked for around the school. He even went to teacher’s room and found out he didn’t even entrance. The friend was surprised. He was suffocated and went to the church that is inside the school and found the friend who was praying.

He was more surprised by listening to the prayer. He noticed that his friend could not draw and he was praying for his success.

““God, I no longer can draw pictures. I can’t draw it, but please use this hand to pray for my friend and please let me pray for my friend forever.”” Hallelujah!

The friend couldn’t draw pictures, so the friend prays for the other friend to success. The other friend who saw and listened to this prayer, picked up a brush. And he drew the picture of the hand of prayer.

This is the famous picture, hand of prayer. The painter’s name is Duirer from Germany.

The Chinese character for friend is bung u. In SamgangOriun, there’s a word called bungu Yushin. And the word for friend is bung u. In Chinese, it’s called peng you. Friend bung and friend u constitute the word.

The letter bung is two word stacked letter. What does bung mean? It means friend and any distress, sorrow and joy is shared. But there is also special rule about bung. If you add word bird to bung, it becomes bungbird.

The bung bird does not exist. It’s an imaginary big size of bird that can fly a long distance. When bird combines strength, they can show agreat ability, and can fly a long distance, and they stack word bung and adding word bird.

Interesting fact is that the rule bung being used is amazing. There are about 20 words that use bung in dictionary. When using mountain and bung together, it means falling down. It means when you have a mountain, wall between friends, you fall down.

Two birds combining strength can fly such a long distance. When you have distrust, they will fall immediately.

Friends are very precious. This morning, I want to talk to you about true friend Jesus Christ.

Jesus is a good friend of you and me. Who are your friends? There is a good word for a friend relationship in idiom, and that is guanpojikyo.

There were two people Guanjung, and Posuk in china. They knew each other since they were young. When Guanjung made mistake, people looked down Guanjung’s ability, but Posuk said, Guanjung met the period wrong.

Let us great each other like this. You met a wrong period. Now is not the time.

Guanjung and Posuk worked in partnership and gained profit. From the profit, Guanjung takes more than Posuk, so people say things to Guanjung. Why aren’t you sharing the money equally! Posuk says, Guanjung has a lot of family, so he is taking more. People asked why? And Posuk said because he is my friend.

During war, Guanjung was chased by an enemy, and people said Guanjung is a coward. But Posuk said Guanjung has a mother that he has to take care of. Posuk understood many things about Guanjung.

Posuk even saved Guanjung and made him a prime minister, and worked under Guanjung. And that is Guanpojikyo.

I wish we all have this kind of friend. I hope you all meet good friend with during your life. And also, I wish you all become a good friend.

13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

14You are my friends if you do what I command.



There are many standards in friend, but you can see Jesus’s standard of friend. What is a good friend to Jesus? The good friend that Jesus thinks is who lay down his life for his friends.

On verse 14, Jesus says to us, you are my friends if you do what I command. The requirement of good friend is risking your life.

What are there to lay down the life? Do we have to die like martyr An Jung Gun, shooting Ito Hirobumi? That is not correct. That is not correct. When that happens, we could do it, but the requirement of Jesus is ““if you do what I command””.

The requirement of Jesus as good friend is to live life as God says. Jesus followed the commands that God said.

Clip1 indonesia islam demonstration

2 Ahok Zakarta governor

Ahok Zakarta governor is a sincere Christian. He is doing his best as a good friend of Jesus, doing what Jesus commanded.

There was a violent emperor in Rome, name Dionysius. He had retainer named Pisias, he was prisoned because revolting against emperor’s violent politics.

The date of execution was coming, so Pisias wanted to see his parents before dying. He asked to the emperor. But the emperor resists it.

He doesn’t believe him. Pisias had friend Deimon. He heard his friend’s story and went to the emperor. It’s the last wish of his friend, so please let my friend go and see the parents. I will be in prison instead of Pisias.

And also, if his friend does not show up, he will die. The emperor was touched, so he accepted. Deimon was prisoned.

The execution day has come and yet Pisias did not come back. The emperor decided to execute Deimon as promised.

But Deimon did not blame Pisias. He defended his friend.

Deimon’s execution started. The sword tried to cutoff deimon’s head. Someone screamed. And that was Pisias.

People were relief. Pisias was late because, when returning to the palace, he met storm, and he barely came.

Most of the people died, but Pisias alone could survive. There were applauses coming out.

The emperor was touched by the story. He was truly moved by their friendship. The emperor released them both. Hallelujah!

Jesus became our friend and tells us to be friend of others for reason. Verse 17 is the conclusion.

17This is my command: Love each other.


To be friend, and to have friend, what is the main point? To deliver love. Live with love, show love and live like Jesus. Hallelujah.

The reason why Jesus came for us as a friend, is because he loves us. The ones near us who wants to be friend has same reason.

So, if someone wants to be friend with you, it means he will love you. Help my difficulties, feed my need, and go together.

How thankful that is. Believers of the church, Jesus loves you and me. How much does he?

Jesus gave the most precious thing, he gave his life for us for love. He loves us, so he gave his life for us, as a friend. He died on the cross, taking our sin.

How valuable and good friend that is? We must know the thankfulness. We must do what our friend wants.

What does Jesus as a friend mean? That is, we must love each other. Living life with acting love. I hope you have blessings.




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