
Bible verse: Luke 12:33~40

0 2,298 2020.12.24 05:35

Bible verse: Luke 12:33~40 December 20th 2020

Title: Explanation of Luke Sunday morning Worship



33 Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.

34. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

35. "Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning,

36. like men waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him.

37. It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. I tell you the truth, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them.

38. It will be good for those servants whose master finds them ready, even if he comes in the second or third watch of the night.

39. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into.

40. You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him."



One man was having lunch at a rural restaurant. After he finished eating, he searched his pocket to pay for it, but he couldn’t find his wallet. What an embarrassing situation. However, he was not embarrassed at all and said to the owner of the restaurant.


“Excuse me~” I forgot to bring my wallet! If you don't mind, I will bring my wallet in an hour. After he said, the owner of the restaurant narrowed his eyes, jumping, and said “If you don't pay right now, I will call the police.”

Then the man was embarrassed. “What can I do?” The owner was still mad at him. At that moment, a staff who worked at that restaurant approached.


“Hold on Boss! People might forgot to bring their wallet. I also have that experience before. I think this man is in a similar situation as I was. Yes, sir~ Feel free to go back to get your wallet. I assure you. If there is a situation that you cannot come back here, I will pay for you from my salary. Please fell free to go.


After that, he looked at his boss smiling and said “This will work!” The owner who was really angry, finally calmed down and said, “What ever.”


The customer left the restaurant saying, “Thank you. I will be back in an hour.” After one hour, he came back.


Surprisingly, after he paid for the meal, asked the owner, “How worthy is this restaurant? How much do I need to have this kind of great restaurant?” Then the owner, felt so proud of himself, said “It’s not that much, 30,000 francs will be enough.


Actually, the price that he said was twice as much as its original price. The important thing is that, after he heard the price, he thought and said, “Hmm. 30,000 francs. Would you sell this restaurant to me?”


The owner could not believe it at all. Then he asked the customer again, “Are you really going to buy this restaurant for 30,000 francs?” The customer said, “Yes! Do you want me to pay more?” The owner said, “Of course not!” The owner quickly sold the restaurant to the man because he was afraid that the man might change his mind. The man now has become the new owner of the fancy restaurant.


Suddenly, the man who became the owner picked up the document and called the restaurant staff. He was the staff that trust him in an hour ago. Then, the owner pass the document to the staff.


And said, “Now, this restaurant is all yours. A reliable person like you should be the true owner of this restaurant. Today, you trust me, assured me and waited me. Your sincerity and faith made you to become the owner of this restaurant.”




Ladies and gentlemen, surprisingly, the man who bought the restaurant and gave it to the staff is Napoleon. Hallelujah. As we live in this world, there are lots of different situations that we have to go through.


Nevertheless, we still need to trust in God’s words rather than just following the way of the world. Hallelujah! “Let’s trust in God.” “Let’s trust in God’s sincerity.”


Let’s read the verses 36 to 37.


36. like men waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him.

37.It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. I tell you the truth, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them.



Hallelujah. Amen


To understand today’s bible verses, we need to understand the Jewish marriage custom. They have three kind of different weddings.


First, at the bride’s house. Second, at the bridegroom’s house. Finally, After 2 of the wedding, they start the marriage festival. Jewish people usually get marry around 13 to 18. It might be surprising. However, we don’t need to be surprised. In our country, we used to have an early marriage custom in the past.


Also, there is a custom of early marriage in Southeast Asian countries. The Jewish youth meet each other on seven different seasons of Israel. And then, a boy who met his partner goes to the girl’s house with the person whom he can trust.


When he goes to the girl’s house, he get the wine, silver, gold and a written oath. After he arrived at her house, he start to introduce himself including why I came here.

First of all, he explains about his family in detail, not damaging the history or dignity of the house. And then he pass the silver and gold. After hearing his explanation, the family member of the girl’s decide whether to admit him or not. After the girl’s family decide to allow him, he read the written oath that he prepared.


In that oath, it is written that “I(the name) will marry her(the name) ~~” like this. And then they pledge. After that he give the glass of wine to the bride. The bride drinks half of the wine. After that, she drip the wine on the written oath. It means that this is a testimony that they are a covenant of blood.


The bridegroom drinks the half of the wine. This is called a “formal marriage”. In our word, it is called and engagement. They became the real man and wife. In other words, it is a real wedding written oath. However, they still cannot sleep together.

Then, the bridegroom left her house saying last one sentence. “I will be back in a year.” Please repeat after me. “I will be back in a year.” Hallelujah! What is this mean? The declaration of “I will be back in an year.” is that it is not him who decides when to come back.


It is because, the date is decided by the bridegroom’s father. The son did not know at all. It is a date that the son cannot know. The day is decided only by the father. Hallelujah.

Therefore, the marriage couple should stay in separate. This means that the bride and groom must keep their purity until that day. Think about the situation that Mary was pregnant after the engagement. What does it mean?


The bride keeps practice to get used to the groom’s family while she waits for him to come back. For example, the groom’s family custom, their food, the favorite food of her mother in law, what time does she wake up like this. She practices and trains for a year.


Then, what does groom do? He prepare for the bride to come. The most important thing for man to prepare is the house. Therefore, he build the house. The father of the bride watches the whole progress and examine the attitude and preparation of the groom.

And after I year, the father of the groom suddenly announce, “Now you are ready to be with her.“ However, the groom does not know the exact date.


Ladies and gentlemen, In John chapter 14, Jesus is building our house. After that, he said that he will come back to bring us. Hallelujah. The groom gets his father order, go to the brides house with his friends. In our country we have similar custom which is called ‘Hamjabi(함잡이)’.

When the groom and his friend arrive near by her house, they walk around the town. When the friends of bride saw him, they tell the bride that he is arrived. The bride was surprised and get ready to go out.


What if that the bride is not at in a exact place when the groom arrived? It is going to be difficult. The bride should keep focus on when does he arrive. Ladies and Gentleman, do you live with this mind? If not, you should also say Amen. If we believe in God, we should always be prepared. Let’s look at the today’s bible verse of once more.


36. like men waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him.

37. It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. I tell you the truth, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them.




When the groom arrived and the festival starts, the door closed. The closed door won’t open again. And the festival begins inside the house. Ladies and gentleman, there might be someone who are late to the festival.


However, after the groom arrived and the festival has started, the door will not opened again. People who are late for the festival cannot join the festival. The bible said, they will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. However, Let’s read the underlined part together.




37. It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. I tell you the truth, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them.




The festival has begin. But it is written that he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them. Hallelujah


Who serves in the festival? The master serves. It says that the master will dress himself to serve. As the cloth of the Israel is one-straight dress which is really uncomfortable that it is better to use a belt on it if the person should work.


However, when the festival begins, the mater wear the belt on and make the servants to set down and serve them. The house of the festival is called the festival in heaven. And the groom is Jesus. And the master of the festival is God the father. God the father prepare everything and serve the servant, who are living in this world. Hallelujah. How thankful and grateful is that? After we left this world and go the everlasting resting place, he will wipe away our tears. He removes all the pain and the sorrow.


And there will be plenty of comfort from God. So, what and how should we prepare? Let’s look at the verse 40.




40. You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him."



The testimony of Pastor Kim Sang-ho, who went to heaven, had this testimony. Jesus said that now he has to go back to the ground from heaven, but he has to go quickly. For the reason is that, Pastor Kim’s body will be in a casket. His body will be put in a coffin and tie it up!


That’s why he has to be hurry. Suddenly, there was a man running toward him saying “Hey there! wait!” It was Abraham. Not the old grandfather Abraham, young and nice Abraham. Abraham has an urgent message to tell Pastor Kim that he must tell people when he goes back to the ground.


He said that the resurrection of Jesus is not as slow as you think, but much faster...much faster..He said that there is a resurrection of Jesus at an unknown time.


And told us to be well prepared. Ladies and gentleman, today’s passage, the verse 40, Jesus tells us with the parable of the wedding festival. In conclusion, You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. Hallelujah. we also should be well prepared.


How can we prepare? Let’s read verses 33 to 34.




33 Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.

34. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.



Let’s read once more. To sum up, Let’s get ready to leave the world. Let’s clean up the relic. Let’s throw away the thing that we cannot bring it to the heaven. Ladies and gentleman, if you believe in this words, I’m sure that you will clean up those things. And in verse 33, it says, sell your possessions. And use it to save the poor. Also, we need to make the purse that will not wear out.


We should store the treasure in the heaven. In heaven, there is no thief. Especially, we should focus on “give it to the poor”. It says, sell your possessions and give it to the poor.

Ladies and gentleman, The desire, power, honor that you want to have it in this world, put it down one by one. And sell back to the world. This can save the poor.


What does it mean? It means, Elleemoshwine(엘레에모쉬네), the ‘compassion’. Or we can say ‘charity’ and ‘mercy’. Surprisingly, if we check out the origin of a word, it is the ‘compassion’ or ‘mercy’ of God.


Therefore, ‘give it to the poor’ is that our hearts are filled with the love of God’s mercy. If we abandon the world’s belongings, we can look forward to the God’s mercy. If we throw up the world, we can look forward to God’s compassion.


It is to restore the heart that has left God’s compassion and mercy because of the things in this world or world itself. What is the thing that we have? We should throw them up one by one. If we throw up the desire, power, honor and money and give it to the poor, our heart will be filled by God’s compassion and mercy.


What is the reason that our heart should filled with God’s compassion and mercy? Verse 34 will be the conclusion. Let’s read together.


34. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.




It is to find what we have lost in our heart. It is to fill the heart with true treasure which was lost because of the world. Sell all of the belongings from the world and buy the treasure. The treasure is our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ, our Lord who will lead us to the everlasting resting place with eternal life will come in a moment. Hallelujah.


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