
Title:Love for family, relatives

0 2,147 2021.05.08 11:03

Bible:Timothy 5:8 May 9, 2021

Weekend morning worship


8.If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.



There were a father and a son who didn't get along very well. The poor mother visited the wise man and asked him to make a good relationship between her husband and son. The wise man met his son and asked his father what he was most dissatisfied with. Then the son replied like this.


“Yes, the reason I'm most dissatisfied with my father is because I hate it the most when he flick a finger on me. I’m already grown up. My father always treats me like I'm a child and flicks a finger on my head.”

The wise man visits his father and asks him this question. When is your son the most adorable? And how do you express that? Then my father says this. "Yes, I am not good at expressing love for my son. I can't be embarrassed to say I love my son, but instead of saying I love him, I flick a finger on his head in a little bit."


The wise man explained the facts to the two of them in detail. The son found out that the way the father loves him hit his head. Also, the father thought that he should refrain from hitting his head with the expression that he loves his son. When he found out, he took each other's hands and solved the misunderstanding.


That's right. "Confessions of love are just different ways of expressing, and in fact, the father and son were deeply in love with each other. However, the misunderstanding occurred because the confession of love was made from his position. You have to look at the other person's eyes and confess love. The origin of the etymology of "family" is very touching. The etymology of the family is "Father, Mother. I love you. In English, "Father and Mother. I love you." Family is a combination of the first letters of English, "Father and Mother. I love you." It's a very touching word.


Let's confess together. What do you mean "family" in English? Father And Mother. I love you." It's Hallelujah Parents Sunday. If you and I are in this world on one basis, it's because of our parents. My existence and yours are proving the existence of my parents.


Our existence is possible because of the presence of our parents. Let's confess once again." I love you father and mother. Most churches around the world, as well as Korean churches, decide that May is Family Month and preach the importance of family. The first person to appear in the Bible is Adam and his wife is Eve. One of God's most cherished things is also the family.

The home is a very important community and through it, it is to make God known and revered. I'm going to emphasize the importance of family with you and think about how important family is, and also meditate and share the words in terms of what we need to do for a precious family and a happy family.


I pray that a happy and blessed precious family will be established through the words that came before the Lord and the forest saints this morning in the name of the Lord.


Yesterday is Parents' Day. As I walked on the street yesterday, there were people wearing carnation flowers here and there, and the second week of May was Parents' Sunday, so our church also put pretty carnation flowers on the hearts of the saints.


Paul adopted Timothy as a spiritual son and eagerly expected him to grow well in faith and grow well in faith. In particular, Paul writes to his spiritual son, Timothy, as written in the text today. Let's read it together.


8.If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.




The most precious community in the world is the home community and the family community. Parents' wishes are that families want their children to be successful. Children also want their parents to live happily ever after. So parents love their children and children are filial piety to make their parents feel comfortable.


Paul offered a very meaningful lesson to his spiritual son Timothy. Whoever... In other words, it refers to all the saints who have faith in Christ Jesus. If anyone doesn't take care of their own relatives, especially their own family..."He betrayed his faith and said he was more evil than a unbeliever.


In the previous sentence, "anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever" It's a very shocking story. It said, 'anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family..'


Then what does it mean to take care of someone? Compared to the economic situation at the time, caring can be thought of as helping the difficult economic situation, and if you think of the economic difficult conditions at the time of the early church, you can combine it like that.


But taking care of one's family and relatives is more meaningful than that. Caring means "Pronoeo" [ ] which means "consider ahead" and "provide for the purpose of supporting others". Caring is not just about caring for compassion, but about providing care for some other sufficient and clear purpose.


However, analysis of the word "Pronoeo" [ ] is a combination of the preposition "pro"[ ] and "noieo"[ ], which comes from the noun "Nus"[ ]. Nus[ ] interprets it as the "mind" of God or of man's sense of thought or will.


Furthermore, if you look at the word Nus [ ] came from Ginosko [ ] "Knowing", Pronoeo [ ] can result in awareness that makes you know God, understanding God, and teaching introducing God.



Therefore, Paul's lesson to Timothy, caring for especially his own family, means that he knows God through the gospel and realizes Jesus Christ through his relatives and family who do not know God, and believes in his soul and leads to salvation. Hallelujah.


Paul teaches the Jews throughout the Romans that God has chosen one important standard for the Jews among many nations and nations in the world, and the Bible Romans explain that. We all read Romans 3:1 and 2 together.


1.What advantage, then, is there in being a Jew, or what value is there in circumcision?

2.Much in every way! First of all, they have been entrusted with the very words of God.




If you says one purpose of why God choosing the Jews, it is that he entrusted the Jews the word of God. What do you mean? There are many peoples, peoples and dialects in this world, but one reason why God chose Jews is because of God's word, the gospel.


In other words, Jews were chosen as channel of preaching the gospel. One reason for choosing Jews is to prove, deliver, and teach the word of God.


When Paul explains through Timothy the justification to take care of his relatives, especially his family, what I and you, among all relatives and especially your family, were first saved in God's choice was that God set them up to be a channel of the gospel.




Yes, if we believe in Jesus, it is not for our righteousness or loyalty or devotion or for any other reason. Just to entrust the word of God. The first of our relatives or family members to believe in God for evangelical evidence, Hallelujah.


It's May of Family Month. I respect and love you for thinking about your family and for your dedication, sacrifice, love and service. Where is a family that loves family as much as a Korean family?


By the way, what is the standard of true love, says today's text from the Bible's Timothy? First of all, It said in front of the gospel that I and you are preaching the gospel to relatives who do not know the gospel, especially to their families.

Paul told his spiritual son Timothy that if he didn't do it, he betrayed his faith. And one step further, he called himself a more evil man than a unbeliever. It's a really scary thing to say. "betrayed faith." And in emphasis, he said, "It's worse than a mistrust. What does it mean? When God bought me and you for the blood of Jesus Christ, he did it to make us stand before the gospel first and to make it a channel to preach the gospel through us.

But if we refuse and refuse to be a channel of the gospel, it is a treacherous act of betraying faith and living a worse life than the unbeliever. If you don't preach the gospel, it's an act of apostasy. Paul said that those who do not preach the gospel will be cursed.

For the purpose of preaching the gospel, I and you believed in Jesus and were forgiven and saved, but if we live a life that does not serve that purpose, it is no better than unbelievers. It was no use choosing us. Or it's a betrayal of faith.


Dear everyone, today we stand before the gospel. I've already been saved. Nevertheless, do you hesitate to be a channel for preaching the gospel? We have to be the channel of the gospel. You must preach the gospel. This is how Jeremiah the prophet expresses the state of the hearts of the saints who do not preach the gospel even though they have been forgiven and saved.


Jeremiah 4:19 Oh, my anguish, my anguish! I writhe in pain. Oh, the agony of my heart! My heart pounds within me, I cannot keep silent. For I have heard the sound of the trumpet; I have heard the battle cry.


Jeremiah 20:9 But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.



Jeremiah the prophet replaced delivering gospel with "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name" . Jeremiah said he couldn't stand it if he didn't tell me the name of the one who saved him.


If my relative died without believing in Jesus, wouldn't our responsibility be blamed? Especially if we left this world without believing in Jesus in our family, wouldn't that blood be paid to us? Gentlemen, the strong heart of the strong heart does not preach the gospel despite believing in Jesus and being saved.

The greatest brass nerve in the world is to realize the grace of salvation and not evangelize. Paul said, it is more evil than a unbeliever. The one betrayed his faith. Dear saints. So where does our love for the family begin? The soul of the relative must be saved.


There was a young man named Kim Hae Kyung. One day He was sleeping and heard someone calling him. "Hae-kyung, wake up, Hae-kyung." When He opened his eyes in a half-asleep and looked outside, there was a tough old man standing. The old man said, "Follow me." The young man followed the old man as if possessed by a ghost.


The old man walked dozens of times on a deserted road. He arrived at a cemetery after passing through a dense forest road, and it turned out to be Manguri Cemetery in Seoul. The old man says this to the young man. It means, "cultivate your own spiritually while drinking mineral water for 50 days from now." The old man disappeared after throwing the word, but the young man was strangely unable to disobey the old man's words.


However, on the third day, He was hungry and trying to stay in the cemetery, and when He was about to go down, a big snake appeared and tied up the young man. The more He run away, the more snake wrap his body around, the more he can't run away, and the more snake wind his neck around. When the young man are suffocating, then snake said like this.


"I will make you the king of the shaman", and the young man said, "I will do anything if you let me live." Then, the snake said to young man that "burn the Bible in your bag!" Eventually, the young man burned down the Bible in his bag and continued to practice his ways near the mineral spring.


Young man have amazing experiences while practicing. One day a strange spell comes to my ears. And He followed the spell and practiced it, and one day, the mortuary was opened and He went to spiritual world. And at that time, He was prophesied about President Park Chung-hee and Chun Doo-hwan, First Lady Yuk Young-soo. And He climbed down the mountain. At that time, a young man was running a hair salon in Chungmuro, and he also worked as a fortune teller at a hair salon.


The surprising thing was that every evening, an old man appeared in his dream for the first time, telling me who was coming the next day and what kind of problems he was bringing, as well as what the the answer to the problem was. But the rumor has become a hot topic in the market. So it becomes increasingly popular and later politicians visit the young man one after another. Chun Doo-hwan was president during his reign the assistant Mr. Kim Dae-jung cheonmyeong, knocked on his door and fortune. At that time, Mr. cheonmyeonggi who was aid of Kim Dae-jung heard that prepare the young man to join into the cabinet.


Chun Myung-ki wondered. If in the Chun Doo-hwan administration, his situation could be very dangerous, when he heard that young man preparing for the cabinet. Chun Myung-ki accused the young man of being a fraud. Surprisingly, young man appeared under the Chun Doo-hwan administration and became Minister of Health and Social Affairs. The young man became close to political officials thanks to Minister Chun Myung-ki, and each time an old man showed up and told him.

And the old man makes a very powerful order. "I will give you money, power, and honor, so destroy Christianity." Young man founded Dangunism to exterminate Christianity. The progenitor of our people carried out a policy of suppressing Christianity under the guise of Dangun. And gradually began to expand the Dangunism.


And they established a shaman university and gathered shamans from all over the country. Under the guise of restoring the spirit of the people, we expanded the foothold of shamanism. The hotel invited folk scholars to hold seminars, held large-scale grudges, and expanded their influence. Every time He got one Dangun religious believer, money came in.


He built a five-story building in Jamsil, Seoul, and established Dangunism headquarters there. And He pray and pray in front of the Dangun statue every dawn. But one day a strange thing happened. He was trying to pray for the day, but He can't get any orders. And He was about to pray in front of the Dangun statue, and a great fear came. And the next day, He was going to pray before the Dangun statue. What's going on? God in his own mouth. The word comes out.


"God, forgive me." The leader of Dangunism didn't understand his behavior. And because he thought it was because of the injustice, the religious leader chased away the Western ghost, saying that he thought it was because of the injustice. But on the 3rd day of the exorcism, something amazing happens.


As He entered the shrine and tried to pray, there was a big snake on the foundation. Turns out it was the snake that tied himself to Manguri Cemetery decades ago. What's surprising is that next to it, simultaneously, an angel with a huge iron ball appears and beats the snake in one shot. And they throw it into a huge fire pit. Hallelujah.


When the snake tried to escape from the fire hole, an angel pushed it in and out of the fire hole by iron ball, and eventually burned it actively. At that moment, He hear this voice. "Throw it all away and come to me." "Throw it all away and come to me." But the sound made him feel like his mind was clearing up no matter how clear, clear, and loud it was. The moment He hear it, He hear something falling apart, and He wake up about 20 minutes later, shake his head, and unconsciously say, "I'm gonna have to do something". So he have to put the rice cake as a fortune to make a pushover, but when he open the rice cake lid to make rice cake, he'll be surprised and faint at that's when he faint.


Under the lid of the rice cake shaker was a snake that appeared not long ago. At that moment, the leader of Dangunism was surprised and dropped the lid and broke it. The fear of how great the fear was, continued to come to him. The day after that, He entered the shrine, and He could hear the voice of a very bright and bright light shining on the shrine. "I am the God you hate." Hallelujah "forsake everything and follow me, I love you. I want to give life to the world.


What's surprising is that the Dangunism leader has never heard of "I love you." But when He heard the voice of God's love, He made up his mind. And here's how He confess. "God, I will give up everything." But at that moment, the Dangunism leader, who was in such fear and fear, experience peace fell like dew as his whole body was swirling with warmth. Hallelujah.


He said that he've never experienced such peace in their lives, how great peace has been to the leader of the Dangunism. Then that night someone raised him up and he was an angel. The leader of Dangunism heard the hymns he used to sing while attending church. Hallelujah.


Everyone. Kim Hae-kyung, the leader of Dangunism, finished the theology class and became a decent pastor. Furthermore, the book written by the pastor, "Lord, I have taken off Satan's crown " became the best eseller of the Korean church and created a great spiritual sensation in the Korean church. Currently, He is a pastor in charge of the church that makes peace in Sindang-dong, Seoul. Hallelujah.


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