
Good Word Good Faith Good Fruit

0 2,165 2021.05.16 05:06


Bible: 2 Timothy 3:13~17 May 16, 2021

Title: Good Word Good Faith Good Fruit Sunday Morning Worship



2 Timothy 3:13 while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it,

15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.



Among the world's most famous female tennis players, most of people will remember Mariya Sharapova (29). 'One of the characteristics of Mariya Sharapova (29) is that she makes a strange air pressure sound during a match. She quickly became a star by winning the Wimbledon Tennis World Championship in 2004 at the age of 17.


Why did Sharapova become a world-class player by winning a world championship? Sharapova has held a tennis racket since she was four years old. She became close to tennis by playing with a tennis racket from her infancy. But the decisive moment was when she met Navratilova, a tennis mogul.


One day Navratilova was moved to watch little Sharapova play tennis. And She proposes to Sharapova's father. "If you leave your daughter with me, I will raise her as a great player and grow her up, so please leave her to me."


Sharapova's father is a Russian from Siberia, and he accepted the proposal of world-class leader Lavratillo. And in the midst of difficult economic conditions, he takes young Sharapova to the United States. Navratilova trained Sharapova for 10 years with a systematic and scientific exercise technique like a day.


Ten years is not a short period. Father felt sorry for his daughter after watching her continuous training and practice for 10 years. However, Sharapova became a world-class player as a result of trusting the teachings of Labratilova, a good and reliable teacher.


The course of life depends on who we meet along the way. When we meet a good person, and if we can smell the scent from that good person, one day we can also have a good scent. If we live with a good people, we can see that we are also a good people through the life of a good person and participate in the good scene together.


There are many teaching and professors in the world. It is accomplished through the meeting of teachers who are dormitory, intellectual, future-oriented, and full of dreams and hopes. I wish you all the best in your life today, and I wish you happiness and love not only now but also in the future.


We are blessed to meet good teachers in our general life. Moreover, it is more blessed than anything else to meet a good spiritual teacher on the path of the saints' life.


Timothy was a young pastor, but he nevertheless had a good teacher. It was the Apostle Paul. In a summary of the epistles written by the apostle Paul, Paul was fluent in the Old Testament. The best academic at that time was Gamaliel's literary student, and he was better at learning the core of the Gospel than anyone else, and he passed on the precious truth he realized to Timothy. Hallelujah


In this age of spiritual chaos today, we need a foundation of good faith more than anything. It's a good word to be the foundation of good faith for the saints. You can bear good fruit when you interpret God's word correctly, realize the words that have been revealed in the Bible correctly, and live according to the words that you have realized.


To do so, the interpretation of good words is more important than anything else. Only when God's presence is properly conveyed to us through the Bible can we discern God's will, and furthermore, we can carry out his will, and glorify God.


I prepared this statement with the earnest hope that the members of the Word Forest Church, who came before the Lord today, will realize the right teachings as they are in the Bible and become whole as God's people.


let's read verses 13 to 14 together.


let us read verses 13 to 14.let us read verses 13 to 14.let's read verses 13 to 14.let's read verses 13 to


2 Timothy 3:13 while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it,


Hallelujah Amen


If you look at the news the latest news is packed with pouring pieces of information and new technologies that will make you speechless. It is thought that it has been amplified several times or hundreds of thousands of times compared to the last century.


However, if you look a little deeper into the news of a lot of new technology information, you feel that new technology and information news are reckless and unreliable. To give you that familiar example, we have known human ancestors as monkeys for the past hundreds of years and have also taught them in school education. Since monkeys are thought to be ancestors, They are bound to conflict with the truth in Genesis. Genesis 1:1 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.'


Obviously, through the teacher at school, we learned that our ancestors were monkeys, but the Bible recorded that "God created this world and even created people," so there really can't help but conflict. Therefore, those who cannot open their spiritual eyes cannot trust the teachings of the Bible.


Moreover, since They have experienced, learned, and relied on the knowledge They have, it has become difficult for them to trust the teachings of the Bible.


The origin of Europeans is taught as neanderthal in school textbooks. However, with the recent completion of the human genetic map, “Genome,” the remains of the 'neanderthal', the origin of Europeans, turned out to be monkey skulls. I can't help but be shocked. The whole world knows that neanderthal remains are origins of European, but what do you mean monkey skulls?


It's not enough to laugh. It means that among the many knowledges you and I have, there are many conflicts with the Bible, the revelation of God. Therefore, we will have to focus on what God wants to reveal through the Bible, and through that teaching, we need to make our own decisions that are clear and certain, and furthermore, we become whole Christians when we live through that revealed heart.


Therefore Paul exhorts Timothy in verse 14, But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it. If you look deeply into Paul's correspondence, the same communal content appears, which is linked to the word of God in the Old Testament to Jews and Europeans living in Asia Minor at the time. Jews scattered throughout Europe at the time were not properly aware of the truth about the gospel.


Even the Pharisees, the scribes of the high priests of Israel, did not correctly understand the Word of God revealed in the Old Testament, so they crucified and killed Jesus Christ, the Messiah who came to this earth in the flesh.

It shows the fact that misunderstanding the revelation, the word of God, makes enormous mistakes and errors. So Paul emphasizes his spiritual son Timothy and advises him to learn and do what he is sure of.


The Bible, God's revelation, was recorded by the touch of the Holy Spirit. In order to properly understand God's words recorded by the touching heart of the Holy Spirit and realize the words, maintaining a full state of the Holy Spirit will greatly enhance your understanding. Therefore, in order for the saints to realize God's revelation, it is important to maintain the full state of the Holy Spirit and encounter the Word.


When Moses was called by God, God said to Moses. let's read Exodus 3:4-6 together.



4 When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!”

And Moses said, “Here I am.”

5 “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.”

6 Then he said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.




Moses was called to the wise God among the Horeb mountain tremors. God commands Moses, “Do not come any closer, Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.”


Moses, who faced God, could not see God. So if you look at the words in verse 6, it is recorded that Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.

However, if you look at Exodus 33:11, it is written like this. Let's read together.


Exodus 33:11 The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent.



It was said that God confronted Moses like a friend. It means face to face. It is quite different from the appearance of Exodus 3. Moses faced face to face like a friend with God.

Moses returned to the tent where the people of Israel lived after facing God. By the way, how amazing and amazing is this? The people of Israel could not look at Moses, who faced God.


Letsall read Exodus 34:29 to 35 of the Bible together.

Exodus 34:29 When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.

30 When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, his face was radiant, and they were afraid to come near him.

35 they saw that his face was radiant. Then Moses would put the veil back over his face until he went in to speak with the Lord.


Hallelujah Amen


When Moses came down from the mountain and met the Israelites after facing God's face like a friend, the Israelites were afraid. A bright and shining flash of light was manifested through Moses.

Eventually, the Israelites chose one way, which is to cover Moses' face with a towel. They couldn't just look at Moses' face because it was glowing. Hallelujah.


What does it mean? It means that God's people should live their lives through the words of the revelation. How can I convey God's holiness to the world? The world is a lie. It's full of lies. It teaches what is not true like truth and also provides what is not true by hanging itself as if it were a form.

Moses faced God like a friend, and his face was shining so that the Israelites could see God's image and the formation of God through Moses.

If I and you are the people of God who are in the gospel today and live by faith, we believe that these same things should happen to us and that a second-third glow will emerge through this. Hallelujah.

Paul met Jesus, the Messiah, on the Damascus road. He was blinded by how great the impact of that meeting was. It has reached the point of not being able to see. You cannot see the holiness of God with your eyes full of sin. Only with the holy eyes, spiritual eyes, pure eyes, you can see God.


After Paul met the holy Lord on the Damascus road, new eyes were opened to Paul. And like a film of a movie, the correct perception of Jesus, the Messiah who had been misrecognized, and misunderstood, was followed. Hallelujah



15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.


Hallelujah Amen


Over the past week, I believe that you live by reading and meditating on God's Word revealed by God, holding on to the words given by him while reading and meditating on His words, praying, and practicing them in your life.



There are many teachers in this era. Especially today, when the Internet is developed, there is a lot of information that is easily accessible. But more than any teacher, the greatest teacher who can live is the word of God.


One of the most terrible wars in human history is the First Jewish and Roman War. The five-year war, which lasted from 66 to 70 AD, halved the Jewish population. A familiar example is that the population of Korea is 50 million, and 25 million people have died.


At that time, Jerusalem was completely surrounded and placed on the brink of fall by the Roman army. Inside the castle, there were those who wanted to surrender to Rome and those who wanted to resist until the end even if they died. There was Rabbi Johanna Ben Zakai in the castle.


Johanna Ben Jacai argues that the only way for the Jewish people to survive is by negotiating with Roman General Vespasian. And he makes up one trick. The trick is that he decorates himself as dead from a plague, hides in a coffin to bury a dead body, and escapes the castle.


If something went wrong, he could have died. But rather than saving his own life, he disguised himself with the determination to die because the future of the Jews depended on him. After many twists and turns, he could meet General Vespasian of Rome.


The rabbi, Johanna Ben Zakai, meets General Vespasian of Rome and negotiates this earnestly."General, we will surrender and open the gates to surrender to you. But there is one condition. I look forward to hearing only this condition.


Then General Vespasian asked what is the condition. Johanna Ben Zakai Rabbi says this. Please do not destroy Yabne (Yamnia), a small town on Mediterranean beaches. And even a small classroom is fine there, so please build a school there."


General Vespasian promises to comply with the rabbi's demands. And then something amazing happened. At that time, Emperor Nero suddenly died, and Vespasian was elected Emperor of Rome.


Before leaving Jerusalem, Vespasian told his son, General Titus, that he must keep his promise with the rabbi of Johanna Ben Zakai, and accordingly established a small school in Jabne.


Everyone, along with a few rabbis, Johnna Ben Zakai could not stop teaching the Bible, God's revelation, even though Jerusalem was destroyed by General Titus of Rome.


Israel lost its state for nearly 2,000 years and wandered in favor of it, but it did not neglect to teach the word of God wherever it went. As a result, Jews are the key members of the United States that lead the world today.


God's revelation is leading to the passage through them who practice God's revelation according to God's words. Dear friends, Paul emphasizes this to his spiritual son Timothy. Let's read verses 16 and 17 together.


16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.


Hallelujah Amen

I wish you this precious enlightenment in the name of the Lord.


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