
To Be Like Jesus * Holy

If you review a big picture about heavenly reward, we thought of 4 kinds of reward. The first one was ‘Compliment’. Second is ‘Glory’. Third is “Worthy”. And the last forth is Glorious. Hallelujah. As remembering compliment, glory, worthy, and glorious are the reward, I bless by Jesus’s name that you are the one who receive the reward.


But the bible says God’s maing specific qualifications to acquire reward of compliment, glory, worthy, and glorious. I along with you together during couple of weeks I want to share glory at perspective of :What is the right character, and which is it to acquire reward as believers? How God will form characters to reward in the heaven?


The best purpose for creation-God created human-is the eternal life. When God creates the human, he created to live forever with human together. But along with people having eternal life, God created the eternal life is not just ordinary but genuine as considering us to have reward.



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