
Title : The Power of Good Work

Scripture : 2 Timothy 3:15~17

Title : The Power of Good Work




15. and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.


16. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,


17. so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.




Ms. Lee-sook, Ahn who published a collection of testimony saying, "If I die, I will die," was imprisoned in Pyongyang prison for refusing to worship at a shrine as a pastor's wife. One day when Lee-sook, Ahn was in a prison, the prison was noisy. "Hey, you guys!" Who do you think I am that you are touching me like this? You can’t treat me like this. And then she yells again, "Hey, look, guard! Bring me a cigarette!" And then she yells, "Bring me drinks!"


I was wondering who that woman was, and she was the most famous Gisaeng called Seonhwa in Pyongyang. The reason why Gisaeng Seon-hwa shouted like this was because he knew many high-ranking government officials in Pyongyang. As the most famous Gisaeng in Pyongyang, there was no one who did not listen to Gisaeng Seon-hwa if they were powerful, rich, and dense.



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