
Scripture: Colossians 3:15~17 Title: Happiness of thanks

0 2,471 2017.02.03 16:02


15. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 
16. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. 
17. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. 

  There was an American navy called Patrick Mcmahon. Kenedy was the captain of the navel which was fighting with Japan during the WWII      The navel went under the sea because Japan attacked, 2 navies died and 11 survived by jumping to the sea. However, the 11 who survived suffered for severe injuries.

 Patrick Mcmahon had injury and his face was scalded because of the navel explosion. He couldn't swim but only wait to die in the sea. But a savior appeared and saved him, he was Kennedy the captain of the navel.
  Kennedy saved Patrick Mcmahon who was injured and waiting to die, by wearing him a life belt and swim with him for 4 hours.    Patrick Mcmahon save his life through Kennedy and after Mcmahon finished his military duty they became friends. Their friendship was special. Long time later, Mcmahon started to work as a post officer and Kennedy became the president of US. He invited Mcmahon for several times to the White House.

    And showing their strong friendship Kennedy said “Patrick I would like to do anything for you as a president, so tell me what you want” “If you want to be minister I will make you a minister. If you want to be an embassador in another country I will let you, if you want to work as my chief presidential secretary I will make you as well. So tell me anything. Am I not your best friend?”

 People, how wonderful opportunity it is? However Patrick rejected his offer because he wonder that he could disturb Kennedy. Kennedy was curious about so he asked “I can do what you want as a president and as a friend, what is the reason you are rejecting?” Patrick said “I never forgot my friend and my savior from my mind. You are my friend and also the very respected president of our people. And I don't know how to express my thanks to you.”

  “The reason why I am rejecting your goodwill is because I already received the best present from you. When we were in the WW2II I was going to die in the sea but you came to me risking your life to save mine. I cannot forget your encourage and grace and I want to remain as a good friend to you and support you.”  Patric couldn't forget the grace of Kennedy who saved his life in the sea. Patrick thought that his life was happy enough. He was thankful for only being saved once that he didn't have more greed.

  Are you happy? Where is the origin of your happiness? Happiness comes from a thanking life. If we live thanking we can live a happy life. A life that is not happy should check. The reason why one doesn't consider its life happy is because they don't thank.

    1. Thanks comes from our hearts

    Look at verse 15 that says thanks comes from our hearts. Let’s read together.

15. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 
  I would like to say that thanks comes from our hearts. This is why we should ask what to put in our hearts. Our heart is the place of our soul. And when our hearts are full of thanks our lives can be happy. The bible says Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts. This means that when the peace of Christ is in our heart we can thank and have a happy life. Everyone wants to live a happy life because it is a common need. But our hearts are always with worries. There is a funny story about worry.

    In the ancient greek there was a god called Kura. One day Kura was crossing the river and finds a soil and starts to make something with it. Kura was thinking deeply about what he created when Jupiter appeared.    Kura asked Jupiter to give life to the thing he made. When Jupiter gave life, Kura wanted to name it Worry.

    And Jupiter argued that they should name it Jupiter because Jupiter gave him life. When they were fighting for that Teltuse, another god appeared. Teltuse said that it should named Teltuse because it was made of soil which was part of him. The three gods fought for a long time but they couldn't conclude. So they called the god of time Satrus and asked him to conclude in a fair manner.

  Jupiter gave life so when it dies he can get the soul, Teltuse gave the body so he can get the body when it dies, Kura can live as his during the lifetime of the thing. And because it was made of soil it should be called Homo, as human. So human live subordinated by the god of worry and from its birth to death it should live worrying. This is just a funny story.

  However, man live its life worrying. This is a part of a human being. Which makes sense in that generally most of the people we meet live worrying. We worry for one day, and live worrying our whole lives. But it is something that we cannot avoid? Cant we avoid worrying? No we can do it. Especially Christians can live avoiding worry and it should avoid worry.

    Actually the word worry has a close relationship with the word heart. Worry comes from Merimnao which comes from the combination of two words, to share that comes from Merizo, and heart that comes from Nus. Thus, worry means that a heart is divided in two.
  Jesus says in Matthew 6:24-25 about worry.

24. "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. 
25. "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 

  Worry is that a mind of a man is divided in two. Which means that man serves God and also the world. Man lies on God and also worry what to eat, drink and wear. When the heart of the people who trust in God is moved worry comes. When a difficult thing happen in a sudden time, our hearts are moved. We start to worry and when we start to worry we start to doubt and our heart gets divided. Jacob also said in Jacob 1:6-8 clearly. Let’s read it together.

 6. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 
7. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 
8. he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does. 

  Our hearts get divided when we start to doubt in our hearts. That is the reason why our heart is divided. Now what should we do to not worry? How should we stop worrying? 1st book of Peter 5:7 says:

7. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you
    Dont burden yourself with worris but cast all of them to Jesus. Casting all of your burdens to Jesus means that we are not the owner of our lives but only Jesus is the owner, who has the reason of our lives.hanking is to make our worries as nothing, thaks can only make worry disappear. Worries comes out when we thank.
  Our ups and downs, live or death and everything depends on God’s hands. When we only trust God and thank Him our hearts will be in peace.

  Fortune posts once a year the best 100 companies in the world. Korea also do chose the best 100 Korean companies. What kind of company is a good place to work? what are the characteristics of a good workplace?
  A good work place is called Great Work Place. There are three conditions to be mentioned as a GWP. The first one is pride, if workers feel proud of their workplace. The second one is trust and the last one is fun.

  What does it mean? It means that what is important is how the workplace make workers feel proud of and how is the organization conformed. Do they trust each other? It is funny to work together?
  What is the reason why cannot live a happy life? It is because we worry comparing ourselves with others, our environments, our economical conditions with others instead of looking at the relationship we have with God.
 Today plastic surgery became very popular. People have their greed to become beautiful and cool. It is difficult to find any star that didn't do plastic surgery. It became natural to do it that new worlds like Natural beauty came up.

  The reason why people get plastic surgery is because they don't have confidence on them when comparing with other people. There was a study on Koreans happiness degree and Koreans are the last in OECD countries. Indonesia, Bangladesh, Nepal people are non developed countries but they are one of the top happiest countries.

  What is the standard of being happy? It is because we compare our selves our conditions with others. Verse 17 says

17. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. 

  It says that we should do everything in the name of Jesus if we want to live happy. What does it means?
 It means that even if our lives are not good and we are suffering for that we don't have to feel shame or embarrassed about it.  People without faith only see what happens It is the same with the church. These day church only cares how many people are gathered, how is the size of the temple. Which don't have any value of the bible.

Jesus said that everyone has their own talents and the one with a talent is blessed, one thing we do to the lack one is doing it to Jesus so the one that works diligently God will give an award.  Beloved lovers. It doesn't mean that little things are not good things. We are living a generation where little things are more important. The limelight technology of today is Nano.Nano came from the ancient greek Nanometer which means midget. One centimeters is hundredth, and mileometer is the thousandth. Nano is the billionth. Which is like eightieth of our hair.

  In the future very little tools are going to be used by robots and will conduce surgeries and everything. People, don't despise little things.  Beloved lovers. What you do to your family, in the church, in your workplace is not nothing. When little water is gathered it can make a big river and go to the sea. Trust that little things, little thanks in your lives makes your life happy by letting you know thanks. I hope you think in this way. 


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